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After a hot morning shower, when my hands and body are dry, I:

  • Cut open the Super Patch packet
  • Take out 1 sheet of 6 patches
  • Carefully pinch the corner of 1 patch
  • Lift the thin patch off the sheet
  • Place the super patch on a fatty part of my belly below my ribs but away from my waist or beltline. (Initially, I placed 2 patches for a NO-Loading jump-start)
  • Seal both sheets of remaining patches inside of a sandwich bag, store in a cool area
  • Eat a low-fat, no sugar and no flour diet of 500 calories per day (My range is 400-600)
  • Drink lots of water
  • Change the patch every 3 days until desired weight is reached.
Peel the Patch

I Stick It and Forget It!

Place on belly

Note about the Nova Patches: These are thin non-latex non-plastic breathable patches very similar to a layer of medical gauze. They are very adhesive and not repositionable. Tweezers have helped me to pull the patch off the paper without taking the paper with it!

There is no expiration date because they do not spoil or lose their potency if stored correctly. Store away from heat, direct sunlight, microwaves and computers.

I am not a medical practitioner, nor am I qualified to give nutrition advice. I share my own personal experience and observations. What I do and what helps me may not necessarily help another individual and I am not suggesting that anyone follow any particular course. I re-sell patches manufactured by Nova Clinic in Australia as a courtesy to individuals who live in the US. I do not intend to attract buyers away from Nova Clinic or any other authorized reseller of patches. I do encourage research and responsibility. In all areas of life, I practice personal autonomy and my choices are my own.

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Super Patch – Nature’s Bounty

Super Patch – What is it?

no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

Homeopathic Transdermal Patch 

Nova Clinic can manufacture any patch with custom ingredients. These Superfood ingredients have been added to the Super Patch: 

The essence of 160 raw, organic, fresh fruits and vegetables

Turmeric – is a wonderful herb that just makes all of the ingredients work better and more efficiently. The most powerful aspect of curcumin (the main active ingredient in turmeric) is its ability to control inflammation (pain and swelling) and is a powerful antioxidant – it stops or delays cell damage when there is infection or injury and cleans and removes waste/toxins (free radicals) from the cell before they do harm.

Vitamin C – boosts absorbsion of Iron, collagen growth, makes the immune system stronger which all helps with weight loss and absorbsion of nutrients.

Ginger – can prevent diabetes

Nature gifts powerful nutrients to us in abundance.
Think of our all natural ingredients as good food.

The actual patch is adhesive and you wear it for three days then change for a new patch.

Nova patches are plastic & latex free and are of a medical grade adhesive. They are alcohol free so are halal and kosher compliant.  They can be worn in the shower and while swimming.

Nova Clinic products are from natural, plant based organic sources –  a homeopathic remedy in patch form. Mother tinctures are made by Nova Clinic in the old, traditional ways.

All Nova products are manufactured in Australia in a sterile homeopathic laboratory and manufacturing plant. The Nova Clinic has been in clinical practice since 1982.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients that Nova Clinic can add to a custom Superfood or Nutrient patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS in the  SUPER PATCH for  collagen regrowth, insomnia, thyroid disorders, and the list goes on…

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Super patch – For Insulin Resistance & Hypoglycemia

Insulin resistance and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) causes symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, dizziness, headaches, belly fat, skin patches, carb craving, excessive hunger 
and hair loss in women. Food can’t be turned into fuel. Glucose (sugar) can’t enter the cells as easily. In turn, glucose builds up in the blood causing many symptoms.  Insulin resistance creates metabolic imbalances.

Super Patch – What is it?

Homeopathic Transdermal Patch

no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

Nova Clinic’s Insulin Resistance and Low Blood Sugar Patch includes the following ingredients. All ingredients are contained in the Super Patch as well.

Cinnamon and Jamun – stimulates insulin activity and balances blood sugar.

Black seed (Nigella Sativa) – reduces insulin resistance.

Berberine – (Barberry root) – Lowers blood sugar.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients for Nova Clinic’s Insulin Resistance and Low Blood Sugar patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS on the  SUPER PATCH for  hormonal imbalance, insomnia, thyroid disorders, and the list goes on…

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Super Patch – For Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut causes symptoms such as food sensitivities and the gut is unable to absorb nutrients, also weight gain can be a result. Leaky gut also breaks down the walls of the intestine so harmful bacteria and toxins are able to pass into the bloodstream. For balanced health and weight loss healthy gut flora is essential.

Super Patch – What is it?

Homeopathic Transdermal Patch

no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

Nova Clinic’s Thyroid Patch includes the following ingredients. All ingredients are contained in the Super Patch as well.

Sprouted seeds:Chia, flax and sunflower – Improves digestive health.

Peppermint Probiotic – calms symptoms and feeds good gut bacteria so healing can take place.

Horopito – Pepper tree herb – acts as a probiotic on fungal and yeast infections.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients for Nova Clinic’s Leaky Gut patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS on the  SUPER PATCH for  collagen regrowth, insomnia, thyroid disorders, and the list goes on…

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Super Patch – For Hormonal Imbalance

Super Patch – What is it?

no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

Homeopathic Transdermal Patch

Nova Clinic’s Natural Hormone Balance Patch includes the following ingredients. All ingredients are contained in the Super Patch as well.

Black Cohosh – helps with affects such as sweats, mood swings etc.
Damiana – a natural aphrodisiac.

Vitamin B6 – regulates hormones.

DIM (diindolylmethane) –  a compound that helps support healthy oestrogen metabolism. It balances the hormones by breaking down oestrogen and removing it from the body. Too much oestrogen leads to lowered progesterone production and fat deposits around the hips and thighs.

D-Aspartic acid – a natural amino acid that can boost low testosterone levels.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients for Nova Clinic’s Natural Hormone balance patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS on the  SUPER PATCH for  collagen regrowth, leaky gutclogged lympathic system, and the list goes on…

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Super Patch – For Insomnia & Stress

Super Patch – What is it?

Homeopathic Transdermal Patch

no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

Nova Clinic’s Stress and Insomnia Patch includes the following ingredients. All ingredients are contained in the Super Patch as well.

Nitrate of Silver – in homeopathic form being Argentum Nitricum (Arg-n). For anxiety, nervousness, impulsiveness, mental confusion, stress, worry, apprehension.

Tart cheery juice – is full of tryptophan is an essential amino acid that coverts to serotonin, which then coverts to melatonin. Melatonin helps maintain our sleep and wake cycle by causing drowsiness and lowers body temperature, working with the central nervous system to sync our biological clock – when it’s time to sleep. It also helps with anxiety, depression, worry and nervousness.

Valerian – helps regulate the action of nerve cells and has a calming effect.

Chamomile – relaxes your muscles and affects the central nervous system.

Magnesium – is one of the most vital minerals, and yet most people are lacking it. It calms your central nervous system, relaxes you, and can help prepare you for sleep

Sleep and the ability to handle stress is essential for weight loss.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients for Nova Clinic’s Stress and Insomnia patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS on the  SUPER PATCH for  fat lossleaky gutclogged lympathic system, and the list goes on…

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Super Patch – For Collagen Regrowth

Super Patch – What is it?

no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

 Homeopathic Transdermal Patch

Nova Clinic’s *Collagen Re-growth Patch includes the following ingredients. All ingredients are contained in the Super Patch as well.

Calendula – activates collagen receptors.

Horsetail – naturally occurring, silica crystals can restore weak connective tissues in blood vessels, cartilage, tendons, and build and restore healthy collagen.

Wild Garlic – promotes and increases collagen production in your joints and skin. Nature’s own antibiotic.

*Collagen is a protein (the glue) in the connective tissues of your body that helps hold your skin together and keep it elastic, as you age or have dieted often you can lose this, resulting in a loose and saggy appearance.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients for Nova Clinic’s Collagen-Regrowth patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS on the  SUPER PATCH for  insomnialeaky gutclogged lympathic system, and the list goes on…

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Super Patch – For Clogged Lymphatic System

Super Patch – What is it?

no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

 Homeopathic Transdermal Patch

Nova Clinic’s Lymphatic Patch includes the following ingredients. All ingredients are contained in the Super Patch as well.

Gallium Heel.

They release toxic laden excess fluid from all over the body, maintains a healthy immune system, promotes natural detoxification (not a diuretic). Stimulates the immune system to release toxic sludge.

Aids in detoxification of the cell.

Helps maintain healthy kidney function.

Helps maintain healthy lymphatic function, Weight loss and full body detoxification, Chronic fatigue, allergies of all kinds and agitation.

Nova Clinic products are made from natural; plant based organic sources, a homeopathic remedy in transdermal patch form.
Our mother tinctures are made by Nova Clinic in the old, traditional ways.  
All Nova products are manufactured in Australia in a sterile homeopathic laboratory and manufacturing plant. The Nova Clinic has been in clinical practise since 1982.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients for Nova Clinic’s Clogged Lymphatic system patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS on the  SUPER PATCH for  insomnialeaky gutcollagen regrowth, and the list goes on…

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Super Skinny Patch – For Weight Loss

Super Patch – What is It?

 no water, no alcohol, no stimulants

 Homeopathic Transdermal Patch

Nova Clinic’s HCG Patch includes the following ingredients. All ingredients are contained in the Super Skinny Patch as well. 

Wild African Mango & Saffron & Ginger –
helps to lower cholesterol, suppresses appetite and emotional eating, and elevates good mood (serotonin) and speeds up the metabolism. Cleanses the body and blood.

Chromium Polynicotinate – a mineral that is involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.

Wasabi (spice root) – appetite suppressant, natural antibiotic, great for allergies

Fenugreek Seeds – high fiber content. Appetite suppressant. Blood sugar stabilizer.

Sphaeranthus indicus (flower heads) and Garcinia mangostana fruit (fruit rind).
These 2 ingredients both do the following in different ways in the body– reduces appetite, blocks cravings, blocks fat from being stored in the body, purifies blood of toxic waste, cleans skin of toxins, balances hormones for men and women, reduces inflammation, reduces anxiety, increases metabolism and energy levels, burns fat.

L-carnitine – removes ammonia from the body and regulates release of hormones.

Cayenne Pepper – Boosts metabolism and burns fat.

Green tea extract – lowers cholesterol levels, a powerful anti-oxidant, makes the body burn more calories.

Turmeric – Powerful anti-inflammatory and is a very strong antioxidant. Turmeric just makes all of the ingredients work better in the body.

L-Arginine – causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow and helps the body to absorb nutrients, also regulates hormones and blood sugar.

L-Glutamine – Breaks down protein for the body to use.

Chamomile – relaxes the muscles and affects the central nervous system in positive ways.

Moringa – Moringa Oleifera – has seven times the amount of vitamin C than in oranges, it has four times as much calcium and double the amount of protein than milk, four times the vitamin A in carrots and three times the potassium in bananas. Yes it’s a real super food

Nova Clinic Trials have shown very quick weight loss off the scales and quick inch loss in measurements. Also, their clients tell of feeling very calm and grounded. The appetite is very quickly and strongly suppressed, clients will be a little hungry at meal times but will only be able to eat a little and the more the patch is worn  the less appetite one has.

but… The SUPER PATCH is like 10 patches in ONE!

These are only the ingredients for Nova Clinic’s HCG protocol FAT LOSS patch. There are MORE INGREDIENTS on the  SUPER PATCH for  insomnia, leaky gut, collagen regrowth, and the list goes on…

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To Load or Not to Load

Dr. Simeon’s protocol requires Fat loading to ‘prime’ the fat release process. However, I learned that many people prefer NOT to load with high-fat foods for the first two days of the Super Patch.  I chose that method.

 I placed TWO patches on my belly in the beginning and left both patches on. I placed 1 in the morning on the first day and 1 in the morning of the second day. I started and continued with a low calorie and low fat diet to jump right in. I took off patch #1 on the 3rd day and patch #2 was replaced on the 4th day.

On the other hand, my daughter chose to load as a “last hurrah” and she placed only 1 patch  on the first day and ate pizza, cheese, sausage, buttery eggs and avocado for 2 days. The third day she embarked on the low calorie diet (and felt too sick to eat hardly anything anyway).

We chose differently but we both had good weight loss results.