After a hot morning shower, when my hands and body are dry, I:
- Cut open the Super Patch packet
- Take out 1 sheet of 6 patches
- Carefully pinch the corner of 1 patch
- Lift the thin patch off the sheet
- Place the super patch on a fatty part of my belly below my ribs but away from my waist or beltline. (Initially, I placed 2 patches for a NO-Loading jump-start)
- Seal both sheets of remaining patches inside of a sandwich bag, store in a cool area
- Eat a low-fat, no sugar and no flour diet of 500 calories per day (My range is 400-600)
- Drink lots of water
- Change the patch every 3 days until desired weight is reached.

I Stick It and Forget It!

Note about the Nova Patches: These are thin non-latex non-plastic breathable patches very similar to a layer of medical gauze. They are very adhesive and not repositionable. Tweezers have helped me to pull the patch off the paper without taking the paper with it!
There is no expiration date because they do not spoil or lose their potency if stored correctly. Store away from heat, direct sunlight, microwaves and computers.
I am not a medical practitioner, nor am I qualified to give nutrition advice. I share my own personal experience and observations. What I do and what helps me may not necessarily help another individual and I am not suggesting that anyone follow any particular course. I re-sell patches manufactured by Nova Clinic in Australia as a courtesy to individuals who live in the US. I do not intend to attract buyers away from Nova Clinic or any other authorized reseller of patches. I do encourage research and responsibility. In all areas of life, I practice personal autonomy and my choices are my own.