While Using Skinny Patch products For Quick Weight Loss
Our products are designed to assist you in losing weight and becoming healthy. As such, they are not a ‘diet program’. We ask you to research and choose a diet that is best for you. We have years of experience with individuals who have used the patches in various ways to support their health goals. Nova Clinic in Australia is the manufacturer of our products. They supply a variety of proprietary blends of homeopathic herbs, minerals and vitamins in a transdermal patch. Trial after trial, they’ve observed that when a body is properly supported with the appropriate nutrients, the weight will stay off – regardless of the approach. One approach may work best for a man while another works best for a woman. The nice thing about the transdermal delivery method is that – if it isn’t useful, it isn’t absorbed. You cannot overdose on a transdermal patch. You might itch or become slightly red. This isn’t an allergic reaction, it is simply a rejection of some ingredient. If you find yourself itching everywhere – this is likely due to ashedding of toxins in your body as you prepare it for health! Congratulations! All of our patches are blends of a variety of ingredients that are common to a specific purpose: Skinny Patch has HCG and vitamins to support a low-calorie and low fat diet, particularly the HCG Protocol by Dr. Simeons. It contains an appetite suppressant as well. The SUPER PATCH also contains HCG and an appetite suppressant, but many find that it allows them to eat more calories due to some extra fat-burning ingredients. It also has adrenal support. The Metamorphosis patch is loved by those who want to exercise. Some use it as a maintenance patch when they’ve reached their goal. It targets healthy muscles. The Busy B’s patch is a fabulous weightloss support patch. It contains all of the B vitamins you need and may not be getting if you are on any kind of diet. Each vitamin serves a different function so that you can have energy, keep and grow healthy hair and nails, rest well, and even prevent hunger-headaches. The Busy B’s patch is perfect if you are on a pre-op for weightloss surgery or you’ve had surgery and cannot stomach all of the necessary pills. Each patch is loaded with B’s. Some who are able to eat more B-laden foods can cut the patch in half. We suggest that dieters wear the entire patch for the entire week.
We present 4 diet options. If your goal is weight loss, do not use the HCG protocol without the Skinny Patch or the Super Patch. That very low calorie diet (VLCD) needs a particular ingredient to work properly! If you choose an option that doesn’t seem to work within the first 3-6 days and you decide to change diet plans, we suggest a 2 day waiting period before applying your next patch and start anew. Most people weigh daily and see immediate results on the scale. Make sure you drink enough water for your body size.
The information provided here is not intended to replace consultation or advice received by qualified health professionals regarding your specific situation nor is it to be taken as medical advice or diagnosis. .