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Cleanse for Constipation

Below is the Humus Cure for Constipation while on the Diet from Nova Clinic, the manufacturer of the Skinny Patch! Enjoy this tip!

Promotes weight loss, balances blood sugar and keeps you regular.
It is essential to have regular bowel cleansing while dieting, obviously. Sometimes clients will go through a detoxification period where they may have diarrhoea – this could be releasing toxic sludge that has been there for years – this is obviously a good thing.

If a client does experience regular constipation and tha

t is not uncommon when dieting, I suggest the following recipe.
This MUST be home made, store brought humus is loaded with oil and sesame seeds and must not be used.
Our recipe can be eaten every day, load onto a piece of toast or a crisp-bread.

Skinny, tasty Humus recipe
Add the following to a blender or magic-bullet and blend.
Keeps in fridge for up to 2 weeks.

I can organic Chick Peas drained and rinsed
Salt & Pepper
1 tbsp. Lemon Juice
½ tsp. cumin
½ cup water
1 chopped up large date or prune
Optional – cooked garlic, onion or ginger.

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