Super Potent 10X Skinny Patch


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Wild African Mango & Saffron & Ginger – helps to lower cholesterol, suppresses appetite and emotional eating, and elevates good mood (serotonin) and speeds up the metabolism. Cleanses the body and blood.
Cayenne Pepper – 
Boosts metabolism and burns fat.
Wasabi (spice root) – 
suppresses appetite and is a natural anti-inflammatory.
Selenium & Vitamin B – 
helps underactive thyroid and thyroid balance.
Cinnamon and Jamun – 
stimulates insulin activity and balances blood sugar.
Chromium Polynicotinate
 – a mineral that is involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
Fenugreek Seeds – High fiber content appetite suppressant. Blood sugar balance.
Sphaeranthus indicus (flower heads) and Garcinia mangostana fruit (fruit rind).
These 2 ingredients both do the following in different ways in the body– reduces appetite, blocks cravings, blocks fat from being stored in the body, purifies blood of toxic waste, cleans skin of toxins, balances hormones for men and women, reduces inflammation, reduces anxiety, increases metabolism and energy levels, burns fat.
L-carnitine – removes ammonia from the body and regulates release of hormones
Green tea extract – lowers cholesterol levels, a powerful anti-oxidant, makes the body burn more calories.
Turmeric – Powerful anti-inflammatory and is a very strong antioxidant. Turmeric just makes all of the ingredients work better in the body.
L-Arginine – causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow and helps the body to absorb nutrients, also regulates hormones and blood sugar.
L-Glutamine – Breaks down protein for the body to use.
Chamomile – relaxes the muscles and affects the central nervous system in positive ways.
Moringa – Moringa Oleifera – has seven times the amount of vitamin C than in oranges, it has four times as much calcium and double the amount of protein than milk, four times the vitamin A in carrots and three times the potassium in bananas. Yes it’s a real super food.

No HCG, no alcohol, no stimulants. All plant-based ingredients.
Trials have shown very quick weight loss off the scales and quick inch loss in measurements.

Also clients tell of feeling very calm and grounded. The appetite is very quickly and strongly suppressed, clients will be a little hungry at mealtimes but will only be able to eat a little food and the more the patch is worn (ingredients into the bloodstream) the less appetite one has. It is so easy to stay on a healthy, low-calorie diet.


I am quite astounded with the superior results. Temporary detoxification will definitely happen with these ingredients so know firstly that detox is temporary and also that detoxification will rid your body of toxic waste so it’s good!

I (JenBella, owner of Nova Clinic) have seen people just shrink using this ’10 X’ Patch – not just from dieting, but the ingredients themselves cause detoxing of the body and re-balancing of the systems so the body is able to work more efficiently.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.